Le média de l'agriculture et de la végétalisation urbaines

25 avril 2024

Pour adapter au mieux les plantes dans le bâti et la construction

Sylvain Boisson est un expert passionné par l'intégration harmonieuse de la nature en ville. Il a créé BioPlanner, c’est l’histoire du "lien complexe avec la nature imprévisible". Il nous raconte.
22 avril 2024

Appel à Projets pour les Jardins Partagés et les Jardins Relais

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Lancement d'un Cours de Conception en Permaculture certifiant

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The Urban Gardeners of Berlin



For over 100 years, the German capital has used its green spaces to grow food and flowers in allotments known as schrebergarten. In war-time, gardeners were vital workers in the city, supplying additional nutrition to its inhabitants. Since then schrebergarten have evolved into modern-day community gardens. Their popularity has risen and fallen over the last 50 years, popping up on spare land only to be built over years later. Recently with increasing climate pressures, there has been a new wave of the urban gardening movement, that has sent fresh ripples across the city.

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